Planned giving performs an invaluable service by supporting long-term planning.
It is the means of leaving a gift, known as a charitable bequest, to a museum or organization through your will or living trust.
Naming HMPF as a beneficiary in your retirement plan or life insurance policy is another simple option that will provide resources to the organization after your lifetime. You can name an organization as a beneficiary just as you would a relative or a friend. By including a charitable bequest to Historic Manheim Preservation Foundation in your will or living trust, you are ensuring that we can continue our mission for years to come.
Your gift also entitles your estate to an unlimited federal estate tax charitable deduction.
You may arrange for HMPF to receive the following:
A specific dollar amount
Specified assets, such as securities, real estate, or tangible personal property
All or a percentage of the remainder of your estate after all other obligations
A bequest that supports a specific area of the organization, such as the garden fund, acquisition fund, or for the Historic Manheim Preservation Foundation to utilize the funds as needed. We are happy to discuss these options with you at any time.
There is no minimum amount for a planned gift. Whether you are providing a bequest of $1,000 or $1,000,000, your donation benefits the mission of HMPF.
If you wish to include HMPF in your will or estate plan, please call HMPF at (717) 381-1681 or e-mail